Essay for 70th BPSC

Essay for 70th BPSC

Product information

Number of chapters
97 Chapters
Number of contents
212 Contents
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This course is Mains specific where you will get acquint with the essay part of PCS & UPSC Mains syllabus.

This has been designed keeping in view of the fresh aspirants which are into the BPSC Preparation and got essay course introduced .

Course will cover all three types of Essays

1. Philiosophical

2. Bihar Special Proverbs

3. Concrete Essay (Topical)

Classes will be recorded and will be uploaded on this portal itself. Apart from videos, you will also get pdf of Model essays, Fodder Materials, and Guide materials in PDF form

Lecture : 40+ Lectures

Cost      : 2799 + Gst (Base price is 2799, Extra 4.5% of portal charge and discount of 18% as GST)= 2938/-

Course Validity: Till 70th BPSC Mains


Course Curriculum